A Beginner’s…….

Here at A Beginner’s Garden we are putting together incredibly comprehensive guides and walkthroughs for the beginner gardener. There is plenty of content coming soon, so find out more by following the link below. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date as well as access to exclusive content.   Thanks for spending your time with us!

A Chance to Begin…

HI! My name is Michael White, and I am a beginner gardener!
      As a Christian, husband and father, I was constantly struggling to find the time to work on my personal relationship with God and the peace that He offers. I found that time with gardening. 
Gardening is a way to teach your kids about the Gospel with beautiful and filling results. It is way more than just the fruits and vegetables that fill the dinner table.

Starting something new can be both exciting and scary. The heart-racing anxiousness of following a new direction presents new challenges, but oftentimes with greater rewards. With every new endeavor, there are ways to learn and grow. As a Christian, I know that one of the best ways to do this is with fellowship. Together, we can become a supportive and loving community of beginning gardeners dedicated to learning and growing. So if you’ve ever want to learn gardening come be a part of something great.


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